Up Close and Beautiful – Macro Photography

 Registration is now closed. However, due to high level of interest, there will be another Macro workshop announced in a couple of days. Please keep posted!


Frank BT Port 1 SepiaIs macro photography something you’ve been wanting to explore? Perhaps the difficulties – and being honest, there are some – have been holding you back. This program and hands-on experience will give you the jump-start you need to discover the sheer joy of doing macro the smart way. Here are the highlights:


You want to…

  • Get into macro photography with a modest investment in equipment. We’ll explore ways to achieve high image quality without that $1,000 macro lens. Amazingly, there are optics that were designed for excellent macro imaging that can be picked up for pocket money – if you know what to look for.
  • Master the challenges of limited depth-of-field in close-up work. You’ll learn techniques to make the most of short depth-of-field as well as effective ways to get more depth-of-field when you need it.
  • Have fun with your new-found skills. Bring your camera, tripod and any macro gear you may already have. But don’t let any lack of equipment hold you back: for Canon and Nikon shooters, there will be lenses and accessories available for you to experiment with. This is definitely a hands-on workshop!


This promise to be an educational and entertaining event. Join us and be amazed!



Frank has a passion for photography that began before he was a teenager – and it’s stronger today than ever. Following a 30-year career in the U. S. Navy as a photographer and photographic officer, he established a practice in commercial and fine-art photography in Redlands. He became active in the Inland Empire Professional Photographers and Videographers (IEPPV), where he is a Past President and Honorary Life Member, and in Professional Photographers of California where he is a Qualified Competition Judge and Judging Panel Moderator.

He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in motion picture production and film education from the University of Southern California. He is a PPA Certified Professional Photographer who in 2013 was inducted into the PPC Hall of Fame, and the same year also became the first inductee into the IEPPV Hall of Fame. Frank believes that one of the great creative opportunities in photography is to use macro techniques to get close to subjects of many kinds, revealing beauty that is not always obvious to the unaided eye. He’ll be teaching an immersive five-day class in macro photography at West Coast School in June of 2016 at the University of San Diego.


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